Adult Safeguarding Awareness Training

Two people holding hands in a show of support




About the training

This session will cover:

  • What is safeguarding - types of abuse and how to recognise the possible signs.
  • When should a safeguarding concern be raised? What to do if you receive a disclosure or observe something which may indicate that someone has experienced or is at risk of abuse. What should you do if the person does not wish for any further actions to take place?
  • How to make a safeguarding referral? What needs to be considered and included.
  • What happens after the referral is made? A discussion regarding the safeguarding process
  • Safeguarding Case Studies - A look at some potential scenarios, and discussion around what actions could/should be taken.
  • Questions and plans for the future - What will you do differently as a result of this session
  • Information and relevant links