Tackle Racism, Inequality and Disproportionality

This page talks about how we will face problems like racism to prevent certain groups of children being more affected by crime than others.

Tackle racism, Inequality and Disproportionality

We know that some groups of children and young people, as well as their communities, are more affected by crime than others. Problems like racism, inequality, and poverty can increase the chances of violence and harm. In Newham, we will work together to fix these issues and make things fairer for everyone.

We will listen to and understand the challenges children and young people face. This includes things like their health, how much money their family has, their ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or if they have special educational needs or disabilities. 

We will make sure everyone who works to keep children safe is trained to understand and challenge unfair treatment, including racism and discrimination. 

Youth Strategy 2024-27

Newham Safegaurding

Explore our interactive Youth Safety Strategy to find out how Newham is keeping children safe.