Suicide Prevention
We want Newham to be a place where everyone can thrive. As part of this we recognise how challenging life can sometimes be and the importance of being able to access and offer the right support at that time. The purpose of the Newham’s Suicide Prevention Strategy is to reduce the local suicide rate and support those affected or bereaved by suicide. Many of its actions will also strengthen mental health across population groups.
The strategy was developed in partnership with multiple teams across the Council and external partners including the NHS and voluntary and community organisations, as well as being informed by data and evidence, for example a three year audit of suicides in the borough.
Who is the strategy for?
This strategy is for anyone living in Newham. It covers all ages.
How will the strategy help?
The purpose of the Newham Suicide Prevention Strategy 2023-26 is to reduce the local suicide rate and support those affected or bereaved by suicide using the best evidence we can. We aim to achieve this through taking action across seven priority areas in partnership with residents, the NHS, community and voluntary organisations and other partners.
Four goals for this strategy informed by its consultation include:
- Improve awareness of Newham’s suicide prevention strategy and local support services to create greater understanding of available help.
- Make best use of community assets together with closely aligned borough strategies and programmes of work to help reduce risk. This includes working with communities and residents to help inform and co design how support can be Accessible, Relevant and Trusted (ART) by higher risk population groups.
- Improve data collection and intelligence through working with health partners, the Coroner’s office and London’s Real Time Surveillance System (RTSS) to gain better understanding of population risks for Newham.
- Continue to strengthen mental health support for children and young people in Newham to build resilience before adulthood, with the most recent audit data showing highest numbers of suicide in Newham between 20 to 40 years of age.
The priority areas are:
- Priority Area 1: Reduce risk of suicide in high-risk groups
- Priority Area 2: Reduce rates of self-harm
- Priority Area 3: Strengthen mental health and early intervention support
- Priority Area 4: Support for those bereaved or affected by suicide
- Priority Area 5: Reducing access to the means of suicide
- Priority Area 6: Support the media to reduce suicide risk
- Priority Area 7: Leadership, research, data collection and monitoring
Read the Suicide Prevention Strategy
How we will deliver the strategy?
The strategy has an overall working group co-chaired by the Council and the East London Foundation Trust. In addition four sub groups are in place to help take the priority areas forward including Children and Young People, Crisis and Training support, Bereavement and Reducing access to the means of suicide.
A review of progress will be chaired with Newham’s Health and Well-being Board on an annual basis.
Practitioners' Resource
Every week, at least 10 Londoners die from suicide. Poor mental health is one of the biggest challenges facing our residents and it is often much higher in certain communities, such as those living in poverty and those in some minority groups.
The Newham Suicide and Self-harm Prevention strategy, developed in collaboration with a wide network of partners, outlines seven priority areas and forty actions to help prevent suicides in Newham and provide better support for those affected by suicide.
These pages will help you to support others by providing information about a range of mental health topics, local services including where and how to access help. Please click here to view the toolkit.